Hey I’m the Peacekeeper Guide guy
Server Filters for Peacekeeper
Solving ‘A Beginning’ Dogtag (Peacekeeper)
Solving ‘A Conflict’ Lightzone
Who Said K-Bullets Were Bad?
Favorite PTFO sniper?
Planes Take Priority
Little montage from this weekend. Ended up doing the impossible at the end.
finally 100SS on the peacekeeper
What 15 Kolibri Service Stars Looks Like
Arty campers down.
Conventional Way of Taking Out an AA Gun
UP Easter Egg: A House Gets Lost on its Way to Paradise Falls
Top 10 Weapons Used?
Exchange (All 3 Exclusive Skins which do not drop from Battlepacks highlighted in white)
Bf1 Collection thus far. My 1907 is my baby.
The Best Top Weapons List
Devious Plane-Seat Snipe
Maxim my beloved
Sentry kit 53-0 game
Started the path to get the peacekeeper
Got the rare sawed off shotgun reload!
Had fun today with some…familiar weapons ;)
Battlefield 1 legends that you know other than Pornman