Feeling discouraged to keep making good content after seeing a literal dog has 5M subs
YT Consultation
The hand this girl got on her 🔥
Monetized but Stuck with Low Impressions – What Am I Missing?
Any YouTubers here that make a lot of money $100k plus a year ?
Debating what to do on YouTube!
Posted without "Warming up account" What do I do now?
Shorts Views Stats 2023/2024/2025
Got a small request to make relative to "Creator Music", might there be someone who can see if Yann Tiersen's song, "Comptine d'un autre éte" is available in the system?
Short short with high % viewed vs longer short
Why does YouTube algorithm hate small channels?
YouTube shorts views getting freezed...
How much money do you earn a day/weekly/monthly in comparison to how many videos you have uploaded?
What to do if you MULTIPLE Hobbies to choose from?
Getting Monetized By YT Shorts in 30 days
If you make 10,000 usd month or near - can answer this question
YouTube stopped pushing my videos overnight
Is it possible to get sponsored with brainrot content ?
Lietuvoje daugėja beraščių
How could this just die? Very discouraging
You should never compared your views/engagement to big channels because the algorithm treats different size channels differently
How hard is it to make $1000 a month?
Sudden Drop In Views
Got more than 50% of "people choose to view" but still it's on 400 views