Say something nice about Muscle Man
Here Be Dragons!
Say something nice about the Netflix adaption
Describe your favorite movie as if it were a "Zoo-Wee Mama" comic
When did Kamelot peaked in popularity?
I apologize Lenovo is the best
There's never been a more random cameo in the history of television
How did this ant get in my legion monitor, and how do I get it out? Or is it better to just leave it there? It was dead/immobile when I found out it was there.
Am I crazy or Japanese music is the most creative?
Q&A weekly thread - February 03, 2025 - post all questions here!
Any international supermarkets in this city, particularly where I can find Latin ingredients?
What are your thoughts on the Ghost Opera-Silverthorn era? (aka "third wave" Kamelot)
Say something nice about Ashley
Why do people get so mad at me for not liking Tori? 💀
iDateABadBoy is not for kids
Whats yours “i did not care for the godfather”
About the whole Jimmy/Spinner/Rick situation...
If you were Jimmy, would you have forgiven Spinner ?
How many of you got into Kamelot or DMC from this video?
Which books have you read BEFORE discovering BG?
Why the FUCK is megadeth at this festival
Do you have a #1 fav episode just because of one thing?
Does anybody here actually like iMeet Fred?
Least favorite song from Kamelot's "golden age?"