What are your easiest Conlangs?
New flag proposals...
What are your strangest conlaпgs?
Con orthoography for Semetic conlang im making
Czech in Perso-Arabic
What are the hardest conlangs you have made?
Different cyrillizations for Czech.
Excellent IPA reader website I found:
English Spelling Reform
Tecigran Alphabet [tɛt͡siɡran]
Navajo/Diné Bizaad using the Thai alphabet
How do you represent the ch sound (ch in cheese)
My orthography
Protolang question
Slovenian Cyrillic (Словенска Цирилика)
English Cyrillic (Ийнглиш Сърилик)
Translated "Helluva Boss" logo to Vālaðir :D
Avheekii, a script for the Adhakanii conlang
The Gavinese script/code
Gavinoir! What is it?
What two languages would make the most absolutely horrific pidgin?
What now?