I needs friends maybe more😉
13/f looking for friends and someone to voice call with!!
14 F looking for friends or a bf/gf
Guys please help me get a list of all 700 player race possibilities
I want to make Yggdrasil
[XB1]. Hi is there anyone online now in the uk preferably but anyone is welcome on Xbox that can add me as a friend for coop . My gt is crazyemo88 . I need help with Aldrich please
Question about the achievement “the labourer”
[XB1] Need help getting 30 shackles and vertebrae
I need help getting materials to finish maxing out my armour and any help with be appreciated
Does anyone know how to max out every stat
Where can I read the LN
[Xb1] covenant help
[XB1] Can someone drop a Wolf Knight Greatsword
[XB1] CAN anyone give me sirris ring pls for the 100%?
[XB1][+7] W: Dragonslayer's Axe H: Ask
[Xb1] Covenant Items
[Xbox] I need all rings
I need all rings [Xbox]
I'm dumb. Can someone on Xbox help me out by dropping an extra soul of the stray demon?
I need all rings in the game (Xbox)
Anyone on Xbox help with freide ??
Quest help
Dragon's Dogma I, Pawn Rental Post 11/24
Can anyone spare some in purified lvl 3 BBI weapons and armour