Best Polo G intro?
Is there any website that would make a vinyl sleeve of copyrighted album covers?
Who is gonna win a physical fight with no weapons?
Tell me your favorite song and I’ll give it a rating out of 10
Which dead rappers does Polo have a song with?
She’s mad I moved on.
Is ipogo safe to use with your main account?
He’s about to fall outta the top 500 💔
What artist gets you in your feels the most when you listen to them?
Stop saying that he fell off
Which of these 3 do you hate the most?
Why are people saying Polo G hasn’t fallen off?
Is this copy of Pokemon Crystal authentic?
Is there a way to test if a link cable is detected in a GBA?
Link Cable Issues
LF: Let’s Go Meltan distribution FT: Lots of stuff just ask (No Pogo Stamps)
LF: Shiny Shaymin from go (Perferably still in) Or Meltan distribution
Who's the "Main" Character of Resident Evil?
Shiny Meloetta Giveaway (Clone)
I’m doing my first RNG hunt as a manaphy, and i’m kinda confused
Help me with my collection please :)
Shiny Meloetta is out! Did you get it already?
LF: Level 1 Gholdengo from GO FT: Just ask (No events)