When Spez manages to pop off
Solo DPS Cleave with a Crazy Nun
Male ass tier list [Discussion]
saw somebody do this and thought i might as well, hows my opinions?
Top 5 favorite songs, go!
The only way I’m learning Swedish
DOGE says no food for bomb sniffing dogs
Yes I know ... its a Stretch
3 solid units in one pull let's go!
How did you discover Sabaton?
Brawl help/appreciation post
Drawing Ran (fanart)
New gen C13 Fast team with 100% winrate, Fenne just keep winning
Daily Questions Megathread (03/12)
Made Pixel Art of Silk and Cermia. Who do you think is cuter?
Nice try SG
ik that's Ravi skin but..
FT character that makes you like this? [meme]
#エピックセブンイラコン4新衣装 Epic Seven - Birgitta - Bruno Kerlingのイラスト - pixiv
HoT Team
New highscore in HoT!
Oh gee wonder who I should battle 😑
Vildred contest entry (art by GOOTAI)
Whats the most obscure Sabaton song?
Long-Buried Truth illustration animation