Looking for a Compact Camera Bag for a Nikon FE – Any Recommendations?
Daily carry of a 30 year old chef in Belgium
Got married during the pandemic
Couple of compacts
Is my lens radioactive?
Hmm...which one?
A collection of stuff l've collected over the years of working at a rubbish dump in the UK.
Lodgy boot lock barrel
My 1st TN - 3 Month Update
Just went through a divorce, wife took everything
Where can I find a vest more or less like this in Europe?
Car in pond. Pro 400H, Mamiya 6.
I don't see any people shooting with night vision
Made a negative to positive inversion app
What is the problem with my pics?
Has there been a camera made with more zoom than the Nikon P1000?
Picked this up for 20 pounds because we weren't sure if it works. Putting a roll of FP4 through it to test!
New (old) Toy
I got a saw
I did it!
My collections
My hiking combo. Nikon F3 with 50mm 1.4. One of the best SLRs I've ever used. Konica Big Mini for the wider and close-up detail shots. Fits in my pocket and the 35mm lens is super sharp, with an amazing macro mode. What's your combo?
Picked up a Minolta SR-T 100 for cheap.
what are these dots on my lens?