What's a movie that you've watched multiple times and still enjoy just as much with each viewing?
As if women over 25 can’t smile and laugh in dates…?
She’s not lazy like the rest of us 🙄
Wifey material!
This is.. not okay
Come one, come all, step right in, to witness a daring literary feat…
Woman only talk to people our age
AITA for telling my BIL that he has bigger tits then me
Nicki couldn't even release a good reply to Meghan The Stallion "Hiss" track. Smh!
Only men are important to reproduction apparently 🤡
Im getting off instagram reels
So different for not wearing a dress.
Soft girl Spring Makeup
All she wanted was for kids to have a place to read
Excuse me?!!
I guess all girls should go to "wife school"?
My mom said my hair doesn’t look neat…. 😞
Pov: you want to have sex with women but you hate women
This totally belongs on r/terriblefacebookmeme, doesn't it?
Emotionally draining films?
What is your dream Director/Actor pairing?