MOTN pumpers, what are we snacking on?
Should I go back to work?
Should I switch formulas?
My husband wipes my SD(7) bum after she goes for a number 2
Similac Alimentum vs Enfamil Gentlease Neuropro
22(f) just found out I’m pregnant after bf cheated
What do you wish someone had helped you with when your first baby was born?
Anyone else dreading summer with SK
Guess my sign (big 3 if you feel that you can 👀)
Kirkland Brand Formula
1 Week Newborn and my wife and I are at each other's throats...
Mini Fridge Recommendations
How do you manage holding and soothing your baby while pumping?
2 month old suddenly eating less
SK and sickness
Field Trip over Birth
My step kids wrote “I hate you” on my son’s bed.
SS can’t keep his hands to himself
I know this is fucked up but I bought 6 months worth of formula.
Baby’s poop smells like my dinner
Those of you who didn’t swaddle or stopped early
Forgot to wash hands first
Storing pump parts?
How do you get work done?
Can I use RTF formula and powder?