One Piece Theories; Master Post
One Piece: Second Piece; Master Thread
This is so funny to me, how can a title be so complex in our community.
Cursed GG EZ!
Enjoying the moment?
Since luffy will probably die in the epilogue of one piece, who will be the strongest after his death ?
First person to awaken servant's haki
You gotta be a special kind of stupid that you are willing to burn down your own country just to own the libs
How would Luffy and Crocodile interact in the story now?
Who Do You Think are the Best, and Worst, Overall Scalers in this Sub? What's Their Best/Worst Take?
Realistically there is nothing stopping Shanks from doing this to any admiral or perhaps to several of them at once
Mihawk himself stated he will try against luffy, proceeds to not hit him a single time. Why isn’t this talked about more?
ONE PIECE Chapter 1143 — Brief Spoilers
ONE PIECE Chapter 1143 — Hints
Yonkos are a tier above Admirals, it’s not close.
Which single character do you think best represents the Yonko tier?
Current top 30.
There isn’t a single admiral who is defeating this duo
alternative universe: mihawk appear in episode 1
Which of the Monster Trio is your favorite and why?
What Marines would you choose to be the leadership at the end of the series?
The narcissist in chief.
How strong do you think everyone here will be in their primes?
How likely do y’all see this fan theory coming true?