What fictional death hit you the hardest?
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What do you see when you look at my Art ?
Catching a 10:55PM horror show alone
What annoys you the most when going out in public?
What is your hottest take that you will defend until the end?
What things do not-smart people do to look or feel smart?
What movie do you watch at least once a year?
I’ve been contemplating what I believe is the most harmful invention in human history.
whats a nonverbal sign (to you) that a woman is highly intelligent?
What is something you hate, but find yourself doing it often?
What smells bad, but kinda good?
What is something you don’t love or hate but just mildly enjoy?
Why are men attracted to “crazy” women?
AIO for getting upset from my wife’s response to my question?
Does "evil" exist?
What’s an insecurity that you would never tell your partner about?
What completely random, ridiculous thing are you most scared of?
What's that one word that if you hear someone else use, you instantly dislike them?
What is something people say to you as a genuine compliment but you feel slightly insulted by?
Philosophers vs. the interested public on free will: Why the big gap? Does it matter? What to do?
What did teenagers in the 90s do on their free time?
Which side shoulders the burden of proof?
Best opening scene of all time? I’ll start.