On-premise structured extraction with LLM using Ollama
what's the best practice to post with links?
Mistrall Small 3.1 released
List of all opensource RAG with ui
ollama is a gem
What are some recommended platform to write blog about my open source project?
Have or know of a project on Github looking for contributors? Feel free to drop them down to add to the wiki page!
what's your most impressive one in w25 batch?
An Introduction to Open Source (And Why It's Important) - A presentation I and my exec board for the Open Source Club at Ohio State gave a few weeks ago! Any helpful comments on how to improve our messaging is appreciated. 😎 (YouTube link in the comments!)
Block Diffusion (hybrid autoregression/diffusion LLM)
RAG prompt for dense, multi-vector and sparse test platform. Feel free to change, use or ignore.
Beginner: What Tech stack for a simple RAG bot?
CocoIndex: Open source ETL to index fresh data for AI, like LEGO
Q1 is almost over. What did you do to move your vision forward?
Cohere Rerank-v3.5 is impressive
If C had all the tools like Rust, would you still use Rust? Why?
Help each other, and if you have praise, you will return.
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The biggest mistake I made was chasing VC money
is PR for startups worth it or a luxury?
Rust skills not required but I really like Rust :(
Should we launch on Product Hunt or wait? Need advice!