How’s everyone doing this week?
Tipbait and bad ratings
Does anyone actually enjoy this job?
What should I do? Accidentally used hair removal cream on face as face wash?
what I can do? Accidentally used hair removal cream on face as facewash
Congrats me!
2 week notice
What triggered your dry eyes?
UFO sighting ?
50 Stops Per Hr! The Fastest Amazon Delivery Driver
How to reduce my red eyes when I wake up?
Hard to cook when depressed
Visual symptoms only?
Dim vision in left eye /Blepharitis
How many of you experiencing photophobia and mild corneal neurologia ?
Need advices for my tough situation
Need advice for my tough situation
What would I keep trying if they don’t even try?
Eye Issues: Doctors say no issue I think otherwise
Got taken a picture while sleeping by unknown “thing”
Severe dry eyes and photophobia
Isn’t peek over ?
You guys find dogs, I find Deli cats
Is this normal?