Little British fellas explaining how the American animators didn’t accurately depict a packet of Munchies
What's the state of this reddit community be like in 20 years?
Do you want a BAFTA for all the w***ing you're doing?
Commenters saying the same thing over and over
Using reddit buzz words as if you didn’t just learn it.
Customers asking “do you work here?”
Alright? A little while ago I made a post here about an animation I was working on. Finally got around to finishing it.
"There is no game stacked against brown people." Some users on r/ProfessorMemeology try to argue that people on the left are the real racists
How on earth does the Doc never get robbed by some hooplehead?
Karl's mate that was living in a big, stately home
Things you misunderstood from the show that make you seem a bit of a div?
Does anybody hate Jason Momoa? Because in my head he’s one of those celebrities nobody hates.
Right. So ages ago there was this thing right...
Just met the "Smelly Eyebrows" caller
Had a guy tell me The Sopranos sucks because all the characters are scumbags
What is the best silence in the XFM shows?
A post about door-holding opens the door to a shitstorm of angry comments on r/PetPeeves
Something I admire about the trio (even Ricky)
Things get huffy and puffy in /r/pokemon over OP’s fakemon, “Thorax”.
This has got to be the most chimp-like karl has ever looked. He was even scratching his leg like one
Opie answers questions about Anthony Cumia's radio syndication
Do you know which philosopher said that?
Met Steve in London the other week