Lennox ML180UH vs Armstrong A80UH
dirty car, dirty city
Machine Grey does look great but…
Disappointed more and more with my manual 2024 mazda 3
Jeff Passan: Yankees-Dodgers World Series will show national ceiling for MLB audience
New power outage near W 117?
W 117 McDonalds incident?
Anyone order the bluray set from Crunchyroll lately? How long did it take to arrive?
No shadows, mods or no - I feel like I've tweaked every possible setting
File downloads inaccessible for anyone else right now? (10:30 PM EST, 1/26/2024)
Pet owners of Reddit. What quirk does your pet (past or present) do that nobody believes when you tell them?
What would be the worst thing to put in a piñata?
Parents of Identical Twins, what was your "Honey, I switched the kids." moment?
What do people think is healthy but really isn’t?
People who became deaf later in life, what was the last thing you clearly heard?
As 2019 comes to a close, what is one part of the past decade that everyone just kinda forgot about?
Without directly saying it, what’s your financial status?
Pancake trying out her new bed
My tortie Luna all tucked in! ❤
Cinnamon roll.
We discovered asbestos to be dangerous years later. What other things do you suspect will be classified as dangerous, that are part of everyday lives now?
What's the most NSFW outfit you've seen that someone actually wore to work?
Tortie on Tortie boops
I see your tortie pair and raise you triple tortie madness!
What the weirdest thing you did while you were high?