Are we talking about how Nappa wanted to commit mass raping?
How far does Conquest go?
Offical Leaks(future characters?)
Who Wins?
Nobody talks about Hit anymore.
The portrayal gap between Mihawk and Akainu is kinda insane ngl
Bro normal zamasu could solo dbz
What do you call her? Bra or Bulla? And why?
Powerscaling fanboys are crazy, I've seen somebody in YT shorts claiming Raditz was dwarf star level. 💀
Gemini was voted most social, and Scorpio least. Next: Which sign is the most Romantic, and which is the least?
Either the most underrated or overrated character in the sub
Probably closer than it actually is
prime Garp vs Mihawk
Who would win?
Some of yall right now
I think this is a much more fair matchup taking Saitama's current feats into consideration.
OG’s VS New School
Donald being a Gemini is so…
Where do you scale Naruto?
We need to talk about canon
Who wins?
Even though GT is non canon, I do have to admit, this show definitely feels it should be the ending of the story.
Who wins between these two frauds?
An even fight?