Why do people commit suicide when they have things that they care about?
How to deal with shame?
Is it common for the effects of childhood abuse to catch up to you in your 30s (or beyond)?
If You Could Choose Any Movie for a Sequel, What Would It Be?
Recession seems more and more likely, to those who lived during the 2008 recession, what was life like?
Who’s your favourite British actor?
Jennifer Garner wishes her ‘Alias’ costar and Spy Daddy, Victor Garber, a happy birthday
Men do you enjoy going for a haircut?
Anyone else has issues following conversations?
What's the worst pain that you've ever experienced?
Are Lensology a bit of a scam?
What music did your parents listen to when you were a kid that you still enjoy as an adult?
Why are some people more prone to being bullied, othered, or made fun of even when they aren’t going against social norms? Do they just look more gullible?
What do you call thsese?
What have been your experience with psychiatrists?
I want to quit. But I have one semester left.
Why are flashbacks worse before period?
Suggest me a book about ordinary people that history is not interested about.
If you could take a pill that lets you escape to a perfect, personalized alternate reality, would you take it and why?
What’s the Best Quick & Unbiased News Source for Mornings?
Is a Third Class degree from Oxford really better than a 2:1 from a lesser institution?
F, almost 44. This is how I do my makeup when I want to look more glam. Is there anything I should change or do differently?
Why are UK primary schools religious but secondary schools secular?
What’s a European Man’s midlife crisis look like?
Why don’t we normalize brutally punishing abusers and p*ds?