Do you agree ?
Average height in Asia
We wuz danish and shiet
What kind of deck are y’all stacking to accomplish this challenge?
Which team wins?
This leaves me conflicted.
Least racist Sindhi
We can see the robber was a chosen from a mile away
bruh 🤣🤣🤣russia is not for rubbers
is India superpower yet?
You find a shriveled up old man in a lotus position,not breathing and covered with dust and cobwebs in a cave. What do you do young Daoist?
They respect women
Sorry for the rant
[Divine Card Creator] How tf is this normal? You horny chinese writer
But media told me japan is trashless and it's clean. Every country should get a PR team like japan
Shibuya in 2025
26M 5’4 What to do with this type of body?
Tell me your favourite anime villain....
New Indian mommy, who wants their asses kicked by her?
How to not be an Unflaired Rohingay on this sub (aka flair issue)?
What's the best sports movie from my list?
Name that movie.
is he the perfect fit?
Bridal photoshoot of Bodybuilder bride.