Are 1 bedroom condos worth it?
Soccer field 5v5
If the system cannot provide us with Healthcare, social security, or even a living wage, then what's the point?
What’s up with all the new development in Stanton?
elderly women swooning over trump.
Why aren’t you out tonight?
Jerry Seinfeld isn’t funny and never was
If you could give Elon Musk any job, what would it be?
Danny Trejo will be doing a book signing at Rancho Santa Margarita!
I think the age of America being a global leader is over
Apartments to Avoid in Orange County
Would you ever be willing to accept another worldwide lockdown again due to a global pandemic? What do you think?
Americans why are you not revolting?
The current global order is dead and there's no saving it
Likelihood of a NATO-Russia War
Do you think Brexit was the seminal political moment of the 2010s?
Manager is taking me out to eat, but I have to pick the place. Any recs?
Tell OC Supervisors to vote YES on animal shelter improvements
Is it just me or does anybody not get the hype with Dutch Bros Coffee?
Does any other male over 30 still live paycheck to paycheck?
When someone types "YT" instead of "white".
E-bike injuries are more widespread in Orange County, no longer just a coastal problem, doctors say
What is something Americans need to be told right now?
How does anyone afford to live?
What jobs require a high tolerance for getting yelled at?