What have you learned and advice would you give to someone about this job
Do you love your NKs?
One line from Melanie Lynskey terrified me more than anything else that’s happened this whole show…
How are we handling NKs being “full” at the table but asking for a bunch of junk after?😑
Question … how much do you make and how many kids?
Are you a nanny to a famous or semi famous person?
Expectations vs Reality: Am I expecting too much?
Lets talk about quitting bras
Am I reading too much into things?
Question for the nannies!
Anyone else use an ungodly amount of paper towels?
Biggest tiny pet peeve?
Joel McHale
My boss yelled at me in front of his whole family
Best place to find nanny job?
Trump supporter afraid her husband might lose his government job
So sick of so many parents being WFH
What do you miss most about the podcast?
WFH mom is making me go crazy and nothing ever good enough
Parents please put stuff away.
NK refusing to take off a dress
How long does it take to get NKs out the door in the AM?
would you hire a nanny if you could?
Don't we all worship at the alter of Jackie?
Need help figuring out if this could offend nanny.