At what point do they make pack points universal?
Is there a funny english name for the Persona 5 protag?
Let's list a 100 ways to die on this game
How I can make this achivment Mystery Unfolded?
What Game?
How often do DLCs go on sale?
So if Monken is on the horizon for us.....
One of them becomes canon in order to prevent the other one to become canon as well. Wich one do you make canon?
When can we expect to see or hear news about the next DLC?
I'm new to AOW 4 , I'm in a game where all tomes are unlocked , can I ?mix match my army from different affinity , eg balor , druid of the cycle ,watcher , iron golemn , glade runner
Why are my units recruited at half health? Tamurkhan.
Noob question. Hacked Pokemon?
Job search
General Questions and Discussion Weekly Megathread
Post game question
Pokedex Completion
Hey guys! I'm new to the game (picked it up on PC to poly with some friends). Can you help with a few questions?
Trade Evolving
is pokerus bad?
Are all shiny locked at the very star of the game?
I need help finishing the Galarian dex
Galarian Sirfetch’d
LF: Shield Exclusives FT: Sword Exclusives
Advice for returning player
Dragonflight on PTR