Too Many Fake-out Deaths
Let proplay suffer
Could you make penicillin?
Anyone else miss viscous’s old face?
Hot take: Arcane peaked at Season 1
Is it really always reviewer 2?
Getting a loan
Nerf Rapid Recharge on Infernus
Is it just nostalgia?
Faker is a blue man
Ryze is in a good spot right now
I found a white powder in a lab.
ideas to make R heal more viable?
Could Ryze beat these champions, and by how much?
Garen: League of Legend!... assemble
Don’t let the Riot Bootlickers detract from the Revet-lution
Bring old announcers back asap
Whats the best Ryze skin?
never change, sdsu
Are there any gyms that offer weights, yoga classes, sauna, and icebaths?
patch notes
(Spoiler) I think I understand Viktor's change
Is this what a Xerath is?
No particular reason, it'd just be such a rug pull since we all expect Viktor