Waiting time at birth registration office in Hackney
Plateformes d'investissement à faibles frais qui proposent des produits PEA et/ou Assurance Vie
6 weeks and sleeping most / nauseous the day…
Tell me about your pregnancy rage
Had my 7 week viability scan today and there was a heartbeat and all is well so far 😊
Brown spotting 7 weeks + 5 days
When is your due date?
I am going to a Spanish 🇪🇸 restaurant this weekend. What can I eat?
Feeling guilty because I have no nesting instinct
Hospital Choice… High Risk (Multiples)
Homerton self referral and waiting time
22q.11.2 Deletion False Positive
NIPT Prenatalsafe (eurofins) and only basic version - am I overthinking this too much?
NIPT Prenatal Safe (Eurofins) basic version - Am I overthinking this?
Is this normal to be so tired ? Anything I can do to improve it?
NHS - Thank God
I have four NIFT options - how do I decide?
St Thomas - Out of catchment patients transferred to Elephant & Castle
What pregnancy books do you recommend ?
What products have you used for preventing stretch marks?
Homerton hospital - thoughts?
I need to select a hospital soon
How do I start engaging with NHS for antenatal care?
My first scan is scheduled for Monday (week 7)