Anyone not listen to lyrics? What are some albums you like that aren't just the classics?
Just finished Lone Echo. What a great game! Onto Lone Echo 2.
Why is the espresso i make at home better than 99% of shops out there...
Why is 2 shots 36g?
Cthulhu: The Cosmic Abyss - Reveal Trailer
ABZÛ: A Game Capable of Inspiring Environmental Awareness.
What is the best budget headset, which is not from meta?
Meta Quest 3: Quick Test
Is the price tag of PC games increasing?
Non-ELP Keith Emerson studio albums recs?
I’m a beginner to agatha christie what book would you recommend?
State of Play, February 2025
I hate Facebook. Why does everyone recommend Meta Quest?
John Carmack: PC VR "A Boutique Niche", Beat Saber "Far More Important Than Half-Life: Alyx"
Am I the only person who thinks Dream Theater are one of the most overrated bands ever???
This is not VR failure, this is the failure of Meta's vision about VR
Which VR headset should I get upgrading off the index in 2025
Speaking of Meta...
Perfect Days is not what it looks like
Keith Emerson at D.O.C.- RAI TV, Italy, 1988
HP Working on a software update (apparently)
Could we stop the HP Reverb G2 from turning into E-waste over the WMR software?