Opinions on my layered armor set?
Any Monster Hunter Wilds players? How are y'all enjoying the game so far?
stupid ass chicken
"a hunter must hunt"
I love just taking screenshots
Anyone else a little miffed by the green hue in seikret customisation?
my hunter got a lethal face card
What time does the open beta 2 for monster hunter wilds open here?
Should I get complete edition or buy the game and dlc separate
does the peni parker skin disappear after ps plus runs out
Give me your favourite anime and I’ll RANK Them…
Career overview not working right?
the dance battle to win it all
account progression charts not updating
best characters to play on ps5?
i bought the game along with the nier automata dlc since i love nier but idk how to get the dlc outfits for Eve
need help fixing my playthrough
question about the final mission
I used to be fine with the fact that there was no romance...until
My hunter : D
My hunter!
i fell in love with this weapon all over again
any ps5 w ps plus owners here waiting for monster hunter wilds beta to start opening servers?