I have been farming Concords for 10 hours and have nothing to show for it…
Any way to save tieflings and sazza?
Are you cooked or Nah?
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What’s your go to party?
Is Arka needed for the no one left behind trophy?
Rate my build
This guy is one of, if not, the hardest boss in my opinion
Favourite Line From The Series?
Faith or intelligence build?
[Dark souls 3] Faith or intelligence?
What kind of playtime do you have in Fromsoft Games?
I attempted cosplaying Eve.. 🫶🏻
What is a fromsoft boss you hate but other people like? I'll go first.
[question for players who’ve played god of war and soulsborne] Where would you rank god of war on the hardest difficulty among the soulsborne
Can I free sazza without killing anyone in the grove?
How to beat Orin in 10 seconds
Fancy footwork achievement question
Do you think Raphael will survive this?
All Soulsborne ranked from easiest to hardest
What are your favorite weapons throughout soulsborne games?
‘m first - ballstown
Do I need to save every tiefling for the trophy?
I’ve taken like 50 photos but these ones are the best I’ve taken soo far