Discord Cephalon question.
As a PC guy who never used a controller to play these kinds of games, but just got a Switch, what are your tips?
(Switch) How does the game feel in tablet mode?
The Sacrifice and Second Dream get a lot of love, but what about Natah?
This is ridiculous.
So how many of you Switch players that started on PC will port over your progress to the switch and how many will just start again?
Do you guys stash all your junk in your Camp or carry it with you?
It's all gone! Logged in to find my shack missing from the map!
Question on giving to someone that will probably use the money for drugs or alcohol
When do the 50-75% off plat vouchers usually fall?
I'm fishing...I'm fishing...
I just cross 200 hours in the game and I want support DE with some kind of purchase. But what?
Advice needed.
I've decided to enter a short story contest. Advice!
How would one use meditation to help in achieving goals?
Everyone enjoy this last beta!
Can the FOV be changed in the custom fallout settings INI still?
Can someone clear up this small question I have with the Switch release?
Earplugs during meditation?
[WSIB] Have $60 on the eShop. What to get? Help me decide!
What is the best way to create a first sign on profile that will work with Dell's ImageAssist program?
I want to get into meditation but i have no idea how to start
I have been meditating daily for 12 years as a monk
My journey thus far with meditations (Questions inside!)
[WSIB] Just got a Nintendo Switch and looking for games in the $20 range