(NSW Australia) Anybody know what species this pretty moth is? (pic 2+3 more detailed)
How to keep mummified mouse preserved?
On ai art
(NSW Australia) Unknown Centipede found in house?
A messenger sent ahead. A porta-potty crying out in the wilderness
Minecrafters are built different
What have you seen inside someone’s home that made you view them differently?
What is this
What harmless detail haunts you?
Dear God in heaven… what’s a cake day!!?
What is this bug in my rain collection containers?
What’s something quintessentially Australian that you’re surprised isn’t more common in other countries?
Have y'all ever been gore-bombed via a gift? This one was by an angry anti.
A Reel asking if women are showering with tampons
American tradition of updog
My (38M) wife (36F) cheated on me in the same way I cheated on her, 10 years later. How to move forward after this?
Quoted $14,000 to fix. Is this correct?
Anybody know what jumping spider this is? NSW Australia
A jumping spider pal in NSW
Saw people talking about how my fics clog up the front page, and how I'm spamming ao3 constantly. Please help.
many people do not know that i am actually a cat most of the time
And the award of asshole design of the century goes too...
Not sneezing can be life-threatening