Around 5 hours 7rl
Questions? @catpawpokes
sudoku anyone?
Atypical GHSV2 (no blisters) accounts for 51% of positive cases. Docs still dismissing it.
Probable genital HSV2 but strange symptoms. Proctitis and urethritis.
For anyone at their wits end after bacterial STI testing. Consider herpes testing.
I need help posting
How many have urethritis/clear discharge as their only symptom? 28M
handpoked morning star on my sister
Clear Unusual Discharge from penis
Burning urethra for a month and a half. Why?
My first time getting Herpes.
Is a cold sore herpes??
Penis discharge
Probable genital HSV2 but strange symptoms. Prostatitis/urethritis and anal pain/burn.
my second attempt at handpoking
Persistent Urethral Irritation & Neuralgia After Suspected HSV Outbreak—Doctors See Nothing, But I Know Something’s Wrong
Herpes inside urethra?
Doxycyline ans Azithromycin Treatment question
Herpes Swab Test/Urine test with Urethritis
herpes urethritis HSV1 , HELP!