Does NFS 2015 really deserves the glazing it's getting?
Why do some men fake being women online?
Can any MAGA explain why threatening to invade our closest ally is a good idea?
Oh no
Currently watching Fruitvale Station (2013) are American police really this abusive and trigger happy ?
Trump says it is illegal to boycott Tesla
What kind of car does he drive
Can’t find Pokémon for months, so I am one of you guys now
Why were we obsessed with teal in the 90s?
Price of eggs in one of the poorest districts in the Bronx, NY
Who is at fault, parked tow truck opening their door or car driving by?
What does this stand For?
MSteams: can IT view keystrokes in messages that weren't sent?
Is this problematic
Wifi adapter needs cd to work, who the hell has a cd player in their computer in 2025? I'm pretty mad about this.
Obey the law, people.
I’m looking for some great games to play in bed
FedEx lost my 5080
Somebody parked their bicycle in a handicap spot at the bank today
What 2015’s gameplay is supposed to look like
Stream Deck Not for only Streaming & Ring Central - Possible?
Skills practice at early age in Chinese schools
Better Pokémon XD Strategy Guide.. ? Prima or Nintendo Power?
Found by my car. Small, metal, dense, little wires coming out, and some sticky tape-like residue
Elon belongs in prison