What are your takes on "the big 5 is the true measurement while the MBTI/enneagram is just pseudoscience"?
Any other neurodivergent lgbtq INFJs?
What's your relationship with caffeine?
Question for neurodivergent INFJs
For female INFJ out there
How do you feel about eye contact?
Took a compatibility test and landed on INFJ
Can we… be real for a minute?
I think I got misdiagnosed
So sensitive to horror stuff
I just found out my tritype!
How would you describe yourself?
Are there any INFJs 4w5 out there, whose moon phase is Waxing Gibbous?
Who would be this? INFJ woman + ( ___ ) man?
They don't really hold back,do they?😭 Found this on INTP sub
Beating Skyrim was never this challenging (source in the comments)
Interaction post: 5 things you do that you consider silly, but makes you very happy
What your relationship with food ?
What movies embody the INFJ personality?
I need friends
A living contradiction with bad impulse control. Any advice?
How did you come to the conclusion that you are an INFJ?
How do you feeling during full moon?
Neurotypical vs Neurodivergent INFJ
I wonder what an INFJ 1w9 is like