Looking for mid 90s RPGs with darker themes.
Katra Bug
☼Daily DF Questions Thread☼
Question about workshops in the Steam version.
Why is finding Dregs a necessary part of certain contracts?
Are the plague beasts supposed to be able to spit you into an insta-kill pit?
SetGS seems to no longer work.
Coherency affecting toughness (shield) is horrendous design choice. Rant this mechanic here.
Does anybody know if the list of modifiers on the wiki is up to date?
Daily Questions & FAQ Megathread (Jun 30)
Why does everything instant kill in the late game?
How do I make an instrument out of one short wav?
How do I get over the difficulty spike in Daresso and Kaom's dreams?
Video Evidence of the Dan Accusations
[PC] [2004] 3D Graphics First Person Shooter With A Weird Pyramid Weapon
3.6.0 did none of what they promised it would
☼Bi-weekly DF Questions Thread☼
Chrome extension that blocks out the extra step in downloading mods from Nexus?
Does anyone have an updated list of modifiers?
Need a specific modifier for a private cheat mod I'm working on.
Having to declare a war to expel corporate offices is the single most frustrating design decision of this entire update.