Now a full professor!
AITAH for refusing to stop going to the gym because my boyfriend said I’m “getting too muscular and look like a man”?
Was my professor just being nice or is our relationship inappropriate
Upper belts, do 6-12 month big gorilla strength white belts give you trouble?
Do professors need to revise syllabus content?
How to Deal with Feeling like a Failure
What does it mean to do a PhD?
$80,000 per month if you beat someone your age at sport.
Just realized many of my students don’t know what “annual” means.
I am livid.
faculty job application timeline
Bullies in Jui Jitsu?
Students complain about explicit nature of course content
No water allowed !
Do you wash your belt?
How comfortable are you cancelling class for personal reasons?
Men in their 40s, what do you do for recovery?
Why do people keep insisting that training takedowns is super dangerous?
Do you do test reviews?
Being forced to take foreign language classes is ridiculous and an unnecessary burden
me and my 300lb mat bully
Am I being naive with the idea of being a Teacher first and foremost instead of a researcher?
Rolling with heavier people
BJJ for big boys
Am I wrong or was this crazy rude?