What dps spec gives you those satisfaction moments?
What's your /played ?
What class has the most consistent dps outside of cd’s? (Mythic+)
M+ Fun Melee Spec
Why is Ugin wearing clothes?
Why are consumables so damn expensive?
Article by LSV- Mox Opal or breach Ban
Monday MTGO Modern Challenges Results - Mar 17 2025
How is WoW right now, and are you hopeful for the next Expac?
Is the game more set up for one character to have all specializations or to have multiple characters for each specialization?
Tried mythic dungeons for the first time; turns out I'm terrible.
New to the game/Flying is terrible design
Which class is your favorite?
Since MH3 happened, what are ( or were) the easiest decks to pick in the history of modern?
Mutavault and Book of Exalted Deeds
Who's still waiting on more race + shaman combinations?
Jace is a terrible father
I want to play, but don’t want to play
I would really like to see a new tanking spec
Since when is playing you're own key as bad as trying to queue
Demon Hunter vs Death Knight tanks
What's your opinion on Undermine(d)?
My guild mate just did a crafting order for a 658 staff (2x Sparks of Fortunes)
Is it normal to not have any tier in your vault despite having unlocked all slots?