Renfield quote I can't make sense of. He says it to Arthur shortly before his escape. Maybe it's nonsense, but it's bugging me...
I love what a dick Orlok is.
So Orlock desired Ellen just to kill her? She wanted to marry him knowing it would mean her death?
Which character/s should the next Dracula adaptation focus more on?
Characters who get the Ron the death eater trope? In other words do one bad thing and now the fandom makes them seem worse than what they did.
Can Dracula grow a beard?
[Hated Trope] When a villain’s motivations are too reasonable, so the writers make them do out of character immoral acts to make them seem more evil
General consensus on Shrek 4? Underrated?
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
Thomas waking up and taking a necklace off?
Is it just me, or they dont really make "Boy cartoons" these days?
“Nosferatu” is inspired by “Wuthering Heights” according to Robert Eggers (interviews)
I am so tired of "trauma" and "found families"
thomas the vampire hunter
I had a random thought. Dracula has gotten lots of film adaptations, but what about the older novel Carmilla?
Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu
Renfield (2023) was such a waste of a good idea.
What is with Dracula adaptations obsession with Mina x Dracula and opposition to homosexuality
Did You Know? [Nosferatu]
One criticism I have with Nosferatu
What the hell was that at the Oscars!?
Blood is life
What is the best vampire origin story?
Theory about the connection between Count Dracula and Renfield in Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Who's your favourite incarnation of Dracula that is a protagonist?