FFS I’m about to drop MGSV. So many m o n t h s of grinding and STILL CAN’T DEVELOP the Molotok and the Mirazh. Can anyone help me please?
What is you Fashion Wukong?
NG+5 Great Sage’s Broken Shell
X1 Erlang in NG+5 was hard trust me
(Spoilers) Why is Tokugawa always such an ass towards Jack?
(Spoilers) “On Earth, there is flame”
“On Earth, there is flame”
Can confirm: MGS3 HD Foxhound Rank doesn’t have a 25 meals/food limit
Sorry for doubting you, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, you ARE an amazing game
Thank you, Master Gunsmith. I know it’s not much, but I think I like my MGSV custom bootleg Patriot.
So that was a fun ride. New to the series. Loved it. ♥️
Erlang Shen Cycle 3 (NG+++) is impossible to beat.
Chapter 5 has been completed. And with that…the final one 🥲 someone please stop time
Final boss at NG+3 is hell, for god’s sake.
(PS5) W: Mule dlc rune stacks and round rocks H: you can keep it if you save scum/ask
(PS5) W: help mule some things from the DLC H: you can have them, savescum
(PS5): W: RETALIATORY CROSSED-TREE, Queelign’s great sword H: ask
PS5. W: Mule DLC weapons + armor H: you can keep it
Imperialism apologia ahh meme
[PS4] W: Soul Stacks, Black Knight Shield H: ask
At what point does Cloud modify his SOLDIER uniform after CC?
O que está escrito aqui?
Trolling Another Troll : MiKLiMunnR
(PS4/5) W: Silver Scarab, Rune stacks, materials for silver fowl foot — H: ask it
PSA: A Way to complete bugged Caij’s quest (PS5)