Why do very young babies, from every culture, say something like "mama" "dadda" "mommy "daddy"? Is it a coincidence?
Can Psykers read other people's minds, and does the Imperium possess mind-control technology?
Aside from the so-called Mind Control, are there any other instances of the Ethereals doing evil things? I have heard many people say they are evil, but I just want to know if they did other bad things aside from the so called Mind Control
Who has a better chance of surviving in a remote forest alone? A man who has lived in a city his whole life with no survivalist experience, or a woman who is a skilled survivalist but has an injured leg that will take weeks to heal?
Blursed Fish
This will be failed fusions in 2013
Do Saint Celestine and Greyfax have feelings for each other?
What causes that feeling of something off, or a gut feeling, that sometimes accurately predict dangerous events? Is it a supernatural sense?
If you "eat" a Golden Apple for half as long as the full eating animation takes, you will consume half the Golden Apple and receive its effects that lasts shorter.
What is this car in the video I found on FB?
There's gay/les in the Imperium? Nice
Batman (DC) vs four Sisters of Battles (40K)
Who is the "US" of your world? The militarily and economically unmatched and morally-righteous nation or faction of your world?
What makes the US so rich and powerful both economically and militarily? Is it their land size?
What if you study at this school?
Is this homophoboa
Blursed Pillows
Nerfed Goku Black (DBS) vs Omni-Man, Battle Beast and Thragg (INVINCIBLE)
What are Imperial Civilian vehicles like? Are there any lore instances about civilian vehicles and that stuff?
How easy is it to make money, and become a millionaire, with stock trading and such?
Why is it unhygenic for men to leave their nails long while it's fine for women?
Imagine if the T'au has suicide drones that can be used against the enemies on the Tabletop! What do you think its stats would be?
Do they really give out "happy endings" in massage Parlors in the US?
Tau Game
If the Imperium was a person, what kind of person would they be? Would they be a pleasant person to be around?