Is this Tana’s new assistant? I’ve been seeing her around a lot.
Gen Z popstars who I think will and will not be relevant in 5 years
Lowkey @ Brooke.
We don’t have to like every single guest episode. Some guests you won’t know that well and that’s okay, skip an episode.
I am so excited for this collab
Honest Opinion about Tana
Can we please stop the Brooke hate.
Jeff, why!
If Tana and Brooke were never a thing, who should Tana have chosen to be her cohost? You can choose any influencer/friend of Tana.
get tana off tiktok PLEASE
I hate to say it, but I would pay a lot of money for Tana to do an eras tour she plays all of her music and we can all scream her lyrics
stop trying to make paige happen, she’s not going to happen
Face card is crazy
Makoa won the bf lottery lol. This trip has to be expensive asf with all of Makoas friends and Tanas friend group.
Why are people commenting about James Charles, did I miss something?
Lowkey ….. boring ..?
What are your favorite Non-Olivia Rodrigo artists?
Duke Catches a stray at the Grammys.
Why Kai not at the royal rumble?
love her shoot me
what is prime canceled?
New YouTube video!!!
the infinite cancellation
Who’s funnier Tana or Trevi?