Favorite green haired character?
Favorite Character with Fabulous Hair?
Are festive weapons Strange?
Does he solo your favourite verse?
Another one to the list!
What is toughest anime characters nickname?
Favorite bald character?
Triple Brown Meow
They are going to outgoon us
hey can any engi main explain to me what the fuck?
What Is A Character You Want In Smash Not Because It’d Be A Good Character, Just Because It Would Be Hella Funny?
Give me your favorite girlbosses
Favorite character that would commit/ has committed war crimes
Killer Concept: The Protector
Favorite character that likes to eat.
Favorite purple haired character?
Mods are asleep, who's your waifu
What Anime you think first when you see this?
Yuki was slept all day and just woke up, explain her what happened
What is you favorite anime couple?
What is the worst anime intro?
Favorite blue haired character?
Name a character who can defeat The Meme Team. (Difficulty: IMPOSSIBLE)
How to get past the turret guys in Sandtraps?