Am I putting labels on my characters or going too far in the other direction?
Do I have to beat sonic adventure 1 to play sonic adventure 2?
What sonic game do sonic movie 1 takes inspiration from or did they not take any inspiration from no sonic game in the first movie?
“Superhero movies are getting old!” How would you keep it fresh?
What are your favorite lines and moments from raph?
I recommend the movie.
To the fans with siblings: Which turtle or character are y’all (you and your siblings) most similar to? Any similar dynamics to that of any of the characters?
Is Leonardo overrated or underrated?
Ok, how would you do this movie if you were in charge?
Donnie wins, with the other love-triangle members being runner-ups! Who’s a morally neutral character with a mixed fanbase?
“A Foot Too Big” wasn’t planned…
Who would scare you more if they approached you in the middle of the night?
Do you feel bad for leo When he got injured And feels weak?
Do you feel bad for donatello When April Broke Off Her friendship with him and And his Brothers, Blaming them for her dad's Mutation?
if you Fell into the vat of Mutagen What would you turn into?
"Please, Mom, can I go to Disneyland with you and Daddy this time?" the little girl pleads.
In Star Wars(1977) C-3PO says he is not very good at telling stories. In Episode VI he fully captivates an audience with his story telling.
how best to write a character being interrupted in their sentence?
"I know that you have already forgiven me for forcing you to marry your abusive ex husband," the woman said to her daughter over phone.
“Please, my child’s only just turned 14!” The woman pleaded desperately.
HOT TAKE: Mikey is the strongest because he has the most potential.
From S2E2--Mikey's still got a Bradford display in his room... ಠ_ಠ
I feel like this is the ONLY time Donnie and April have actual romantic chemistry in the show.