wanted first pic, offering 2nd, only offering legendary mon if you have them registered, instant trades
Looking for a mirror trade, offering a mirror trade, just want to end the Special Timed Research
Offering below, looking for uxie and azelf
Best Timed Research even?
Offering these guys, looking for Corsola
I was recently reading Bertrand Russell's The History of Western Philosophy and come across a passage which confused me. Could anyone help me understand what he meant?
Qué opinan de la historia de la filosofia de Abbagnano
What’s your smallest Pokemon?
¿Qué editorial recomiendan?
Recomiendan alguna lectura previa sobre el autor? Opiniones?
Acabo de ver esto y el paralelismo es para pensar
Levi Rozemen loses another game against 2426-Josiah Stearman
White is winning, but can you find the only move that leads to mate?
Tell me your opinion on the issue of Kurdistan
Updated youngest world Chess champions list:
WCC Game 13: A very fighting draw to keep the match a tie going into the final classical game
It's officially a coin flip. Ding Liren has 85% winning chances if the match goes to tiebreaks. Will we see Gukesh start to press?
WCC Game 11: Ding blunders under time pressure and Gukesh takes the lead for the first time
Bashar al-Assad regime, about to fall
The capital of Syria, Damascus, about to fall
Damascus about to fall???
Etymology at its finest. "Zero fucks given" in different European languages
I guess I didn't understand how castling works 🫠
Game 6 of WCC ends in a Draw | Score: 4 - 4
WCC Game 7: Gukesh can’t manage to win and the match is a tie halfway through