The ancient flaming hand technique
AIO my fiance spent 600 on gacha
Stick-like hairs in my beard. Left hairs are typical, farthest right are like actual twigs growing on my face.
Food Stamps Apparently.
AIO gf told me not to thank a cashier because I shouldn't talk unless necessary?
Man Falls from Overpass as Police Attempt Rescue in Austin, Texas
Bro got some sense knocked back into him in a lesson of respect.
Don't talk to me or my video games ever again, ladies.
For 38 hours he stood still, enduring violation
Christian Reggae
AIO about the wall of text my brother in law sent his kids
Communist patch and anti totalitarian pin on the same jacket. been waiting for this one
Still trying to figure out what to do for a back patch but I love what I have so far!
Finally found some decent beef in amish country
Talk about threading the needle
Psycho High Schoolers
Is it illegal to be 17 dating a 15 if you’ve been dating for 7 months?
USMC Drill Instructor Ambush
My 17 year old sister’s new tattoo
never met an e-scooter owner I’ve liked
Which one is your favorite hot dog? For me it's the chili cheese dog.
What is your bra size, bro?
Is $58k enough to move to Austin?
Why are some people in this city so unfriendly to visitors?
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?