Just a PSA for all the peeps with Mono CRTs who don't use external speakers -- make sure you're hearing everything by using an adapter! Thank you 😄
Remember kids, always adjust your Contrast/Picture settings - defaults are the tool of the devil! hahaha
TVs you regret getting rid of. This little 13" Haier my cousin gave me for free. It was his dorm room TV back in early 2000's. My aunt gave it to me around 2015-ish. I sold or gave it away to a Smash Tournament group. IT WAS THE PERFECT BOX AESTHETIC NEXT TO AN NES. And look at that Composite 👌🏻
when you say "hey bud, try this game" just so you can enjoy watching it on the CRT and take pics.... (Sam Sho 4)
Our retro set up
Where would be a good place to put a crt
What's going on with this disc?
When I run errands and can't kill Nazis at home, I like to take this little guy with me.
Bowing on RCA 14F514T
Puzzle Fighter on Sega Saturn. Classic game, always looks at home on my 13" RCA, just like it did all those years ago. Morrigan FTW, i unlocked (maybe) everything in the game with her way back in the day.
Should you TSOP after a Soft Mod? Does it make sense?
Sooo thats why we dont open those right ? 😭
Convert to star tech?
Component cables lines on screen.
My science fair project
Is my ATI All In Wonder 9000 being bottlenecked by my Intel Pentium 3 800mhz?
What’s up with Memorex CDR’s?
The screen visibility on the Gameboy Pocket is so clear when playing outside
Hot damn it works!
My baby CRT
❤️ love coming back to a simple basic setup and just playing the games as we always did.
Any way to fix the geometry on this Sony KV-14LT1E or do I have to touch the yoke? There is a hidden rotation setting on the menu but it doesn’t do anything.
CRT's will never be obsolete to a competitive gamer, that zero input lag comes in handy in ranked slayer
Pros & Cons of getting on OG Xbox nowadays?
Platinum Hits