Season 4 Episode 18
I think Dia snitched, not Crystal
[NV] How do I tell my lawyer that I need things dumbed down for me?
An actual quote from Alaina from the most recent episode (Rodney Alcala)
How should I write my character descriptions?
I need some help bad
Any suggestions on pulling yourself out a funk when you don’t pass your licensing exam?
They Don’t Understand Hindsight
In your opinion, is there a song where the clean version slaps almost, or as much, as the dirty version?
How has Reddit helped you?
My neighbor is advertising that her family is selling Raw Milk
What was the point of “suck my dick”? I could be stupid and just not get it
Now that thanksgiving is over what was one dish that no one touched
As Vegas Locals, Have You Guys Seen A Lot of Celebrities Outside of the Strip?
After taking a year long break from the podcast and coming back to it recently…. I am so happy I found this sub!
Hit and Run
How is Everyone Doing?
What’s an easy way to make a lot of money that nobody knows about?
I asked my boss if we could start doing active shooter drills… she told me not say something like that and to knock on wood.
You have 5 minutes to prepare before a guy breaks into your house with the intention to kill you. You can not exit your house. What is your strategy to survive?
I’m young, burned-out, and I’m come to realize that experience chest pains any time I come into the office.
What villain can you just not hate?
What would disqualify the statement “Anything can be a dildo if you are brave enough”?
Which country do you have NO interest or will in visiting?