Stories freezing when clicking screen
I know that's right
My ex is the worst man to exist
Do you think your ex is on Reddit?
Why did y'all break up?
Is it true that men process a relationship break up later?
Delete your ex's n*des NOW!!!
Should I delete my ex’s nudes?
I am ashamed of some people here
Do you regret anything you said or did during the breakup? Will you ever break NC to apologize?
I wish I could hate him, really
What are the consequences of begging your ex to stay?
What did you do out of love for your ex that you regret today?
Anyone else find there ex unattractive
Who’s leaving the memory of their ex in 2024
Post the text you want to send your Ex HERE instead of actually sending it …
Just got dumped
Are avoidants capable of having a healthy relationship?
Do you miss them
People who had a long term relationship (marriage or bf/gf of several years) fail miserably, what was the most unexpected red flag you missed early on?
How to sleep after a break-up
What did you learn from your relationship to apply to the next one in order to be more successful? Would love to hear some lessons that we can all learn from.
How do you distract yourself?
How do you get over your first love ?