Seller put weird photos in my package!
Gothic prep mix
How does fashion forward decide a player's "personality"?
I just robbed a man, did I get a steal??
What's the best insult in Partridge?
Decided to take the case off my Smash Bros 3DS which has been on since I bought it over 10 years ago. The oxidization is crazy but I'd say the case did its job.
Found this dark piece of history today going through records
Grandmothers Nintendo ds
I need help with my modded 3ds and it is not turning on what should I do
3DS and DS game recs that are relaxing and similar to Style Boutique and Ace Attorney
3ds prices...
is it worth getting a 3ds LL or 3ds XL?
never met an e-scooter owner I’ve liked
What ds is the best in your opinion?
Healing my inner child
My parents had me at 18 and never looked after me properly now I struggle day to day.