Can we finally get a fun Support?
Traveler Tuesday - FH Solo Scenario - Astral - [spoiler]
What's the longest you've ever played a game in one sitting?
Merchant Monday - FH Purchasable Item 201 - [spoiler]
What's a game you played as a kid that nobody seems to remember?
"Art" from an expansion box that was headed for the bin
Two thirds of total PC playtime last year was on games that are at least six years old, report says | VGC
Finery Friday - FH Purchasable Item 200 - [spoiler]
I broke up with Cava, but Cava broke up with me first
Toolkit Thursday - FH Loadout Discussion - Geminate Loadout
Have you fallen out of love with a game series?
Describe your class in 3 words
Musk says conspiracy to kill him and destroy Tesla at play; slams attacks
Vocation Wednesday - FH Solo Item - Geminate - [spoiler]
About junglers taking red buff...
Traveler Tuesday - FH Solo Scenario - Geminate - [spoiler]
Merlin Aspect in a nutshell
What is the best boardgame ever?
4 Teslas set ablaze in Germany, as protests against Musk’s company surge
Merchant Monday - FH Purchasable Item 199 - [spoiler]
Netanyahu moves to fire intel chief who is investigating his aides
It's time to be honest with yourself about the game you love.
Power in haven games - why the Gloomhaven item shop made you a bad player. An unhinged rant.
Finery Friday - FH Purchasable Item 198 - [spoiler]
What is/are the MOBA that you play or have played before and/or alongside SMITE 1 & 2 (or even after if you don't like these games anymore)?