Beating Fiora as Ambessa
How do I beat Yasuo in lane?
Hook Intercept vs. Yang Part 2
I'm sorry, but Panam is annoying
What do you think the hardest level is excluding the boss?
Hardest matchups and easiest matchups for Ambessa?
Azir's ankles obliterated
This is literally fact.
What are your priorities as a jungler?
hero thirstiness vs. attractiveness
What a lovely evening to play chess
When should I take grasp vs conq on Ambessa?
New to midlane and got wrecked
keyboard and mouse or controller ?
why is ambessa just so ass.
Disrespecting Riven
New Ambessa Mid player
Why does Serylda's Grudge still have 30% armor penetration?
Beat master Fajar at age 35 by cheesing him with the fully unlocked skill tree, but did I really beat him?
Anyone who plays this game on PC other than me?
qiyana current builds? (either bruiser or assassin)
I wish more games let you feel like the boss in a boss fight
ELI5: Why did classic RTS games die out? What was their main replacement and why did they manage to take the place of games like Warcraft 2 and Red Alert?
I almost beat fajar no deaths 😢
After 12 hours, i finaly grinded down Master Fajar on age 32.