Bakersfield Gun Stores
Wheres the best wing spot?
I love working in the kitchen ☺️
The Round Table logo redesign looks like an MMA fighting clothing brand logo. Did they do this just for Bakersfield? It's like so aggro brah
Sacramento County Republican Party says rock thrown through its headquarters
After yesterday's sh*tshow in the US, how absolutely heartening to see this man smiling again today. Well done, the UK...
Trump supporters: what is a red line that, if crossed, would make you stop supporting Trump?
Will Pope Francis die?
in response to the guy who slipped and fell the other day
Someone’s gotta stop these broke mofos asap
So I see people talk how about how Lyft make millions and drivers and passengers get f over .
Why Do People Hate 9-5s?
Are there genuinely people out there that think Ukraine started this war?
I play chess every Thursday at Temblor - waiting for someone to show up
Feeling little depressed and kinda ungrateful about life lately
Suggested neighborhoods/schools to raise mixed race (and progressive) family?
I question and I rebel against both parties
I'm kinda tired of X
I dont want to be friends with any Trump supporter
Genuinely curious
Could a 2 year old do this damage?
I’m going bald at 18
Got this at a Mexican grocery store today.
How often you get tip bait order?
Pro-life Ab*rti*n extremists on campus